Can I Use A Free HAF/FUEL Space?
If your child receives pupil premium free school meals and attends a Slough council school, then yes!
Please be aware that pupil premium free school meals are different to the free meals for all children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2.
How Do I Get My Vouchers?
If you haven’t already been sent your vouchers, get in touch with the HAF team who will be happy to help!
How Do I Book My Space?
Click the HAF booking button at the top of this page and you will then be taken to the Slough HAF booking page where you can use your codes to book.
How Many Spaces Can I Book?
For Summer you can book 16 days.
What Is Included?
Your child will get to access a full day of activities at the camp as well as a healthy packed lunch!
Parent Support
Virtual Workshops
As a part of the HAF programme we will invite you as parents to join our healthy living workshops run virtually by our uSports coaches as well as other guest speakers. These sessions are optional to attend but we think they are a great way for you to get connected with the local community while learning some great healthy lifestyle tips!
You will receive an update on our virtual workshops including joining instructions after you have booked.
Links To Organisations
The HAF programme aims to help not only your children but you too as parents. Please see below links to a number of organisations which may be able to support you and your family.
Citizens Advice
Online free advice from Citizens Advice to help you find a way forward, whatever the problem.
Make a change today with Change4Life! Discover sugar swaps, healthy recipes, nutritional advice, and top tips and activities to help your kids stay healthy.
Job Centre
Advice, information and support to help you to access the correct support and jobs for you.