That's right, uSports is continuing it's business expansion journey and we will now be offering

school & community sports coaching in Bristol!
Anyone who has followed my journey so far will know that uSports started from just a couple of hours a week of football after school clubs being delivered by me, Charlie Hiscox. Expanding my business into different regions across the UK has always felt like a bit of a dream if I'm honest with you and I still can't quite believe that we are now operating in three separate regions!
While I say it is a surprise, maybe it isn't such a surprise after all... To successfully expand you simply need two things:
Great people
Great systems
And we have both!
When reviewing how we would expand from our core area, I knew that I wanted to attract fantastic partners that had a passion for developing the quality of sports provision in their area. I also knew that it only works if you have a great area to expand into!
Introducing Bristol
Within Bristol there are hundreds of Nurseries, Primary and Secondary Schools which makes it an area with huge potential. In Bristol, you can travel from one side of the city to the other in around 30 minutes making every school a potential customer. There are also a large number of venues to run community sessions from for parents making this an area full of potential!
Another strong point for Bristol is that is only 90 minutes down the M4 from our base in Reading which will allow us to regularly work together with our new Bristol partner to help grow their area.
Now potential is great, but you have to have the right person as a partner too...

Introducing Ben
When I first spoke to Ben I had a really good feeling about the partnership between us. Immediately I could tell that his kind nature, his passion for sports and his ambition were a perfect combination to allow him to develop the uSports brand within his community. Being able to tap immediately into the uSports brand and systems will give Ben the opportunity to accelerate his growth when looking to work with local schools and parents. Ben is currently a full time qualified primary school teacher in a local Bristol school where he is also the PE lead. Before going into teaching, Ben worked for a number of different sports coaching companies and has built a philosophy for himself that already matches that which we have at uSports. As a new Dad, Ben is making the move into becoming a partner with uSports knowing the potential the role has for him and his family.
When Will Ben Start Building the Bristol Area?
Ben is going down to three days a week with his primary school from February Half Term and will join uSports full time after Easter. Personally, I think this is a great time to start as it gives Ben the opportunity to start building his links up in local schools and nurseries alongside getting ready for a busy Easter, May Half Term and Summer Camp!
Watch this space...
Our expansion project has only just started. In our new areas of West London and Bristol, we are confident that soon we will be sharing all the success that Ben and Ed are experiencing in their communities before we move into a complete national expansion. But for now, we will get our heads down and make sure Ed and Ben are fully supported in their first few stages of becoming uSports partners.