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PPA Cover vs After School Clubs - What Has The Biggest Impact For Sports Coaching in Your School

Any coach will tell you that delivering a PE Lesson for PPA Cover is very different to running an After School Club. There are so many differences; the number of children, lesson objectives, expectations and the range of children.

Having overseen 1000's of PE Lessons and After School Clubs I thought to ask myself, what are the best bits of both... and is there a winner when we think about what the children get out of these two different types of provision in a primary school?

So I'm clear, I love delivering both types of sessions but who doesn't love a little competition?

PE Lessons

In a PE lesson, you can expect to be delivering a lesson to 30 children. It will tend to be part of a 6/7 week block covering one particular sport. Most schemes of work will focus on one particular topic for one week and then move on. So many children love PE, and here is why they should:

  • Lessons should be well organised with progressions that allow every child to develop towards their potential

  • Key vocabulary will be introduced to expand the child's learning as well as helping them to understand more about sport

  • Varied sports throughout the year - Every school should have a varied curriculum that involves team sports, individual sports, swimming, gymnastics, dance and more! These options should help young people find a passion for a sport they love.

  • 6 Years of working with the same people - In primary school it would not be uncommon for children to be working in the same groups for 6 years allowing them to create strong friendships both in and outside of PE.

  • Understanding game tactics to various sports - PE is a fantastic time for teachers to introduce tactics and strategies to help improve children's decision making skills.

There are some downsides to PE lessons, one major one is that quite often one teacher will be overseeing a group of 30 children (or more) meaning that individuals might not quite get the time and attention to really help them excel. Each teacher will deal with this in a different way but it is unfortunately a reality to PE in the UK.

After School Sports Clubs

There are so many different types of after school clubs. We have delivered after school clubs in so many places from Newbury, Thatcham and Tadley all the way to Reading, Wokingham and out to Maidenhead, Slough and West London. Everywhere we go, we will face a different group, a different environment and a different sport.

Some schools ask for a list of sports to help make their choice. Our go to suggestions for after school clubs would be...

  • Football

  • Tennis

  • Hockey

  • Basketball

  • Badminton

  • Dodgeball

  • Multi-sports

  • Netball

  • Soft Archery

  • Gymnastics

  • Dance

  • Table Tennis

  • Boxercise

  • Soft Archery

  • Ultimate Frisbee

  • Cricket

  • Rounders

  • NERF wars

After school clubs tend to have lower numbers of children than a PE lesson and most hover around the 16 participants mark. There are so many advantages to after school clubs. Some of these are...

  • Less children means more attention per child - This means the children might get more personalised advice on the skills they are practicing to help them develop in which ever sport they have joined

  • More engagement - Because children have picked the sport they have signed up to they are more likely to have an interest in that sport and enjoy the session more.

  • More space - Depending on the sport, sometimes space can be lacking in a primary school and so having more options of where to run the club often means you have a more size appropriate area for the number of children in your session

  • More relaxed environment - having less children can mean that there is a more relaxed environment allowing the club to be a bit more fun and friendly than a PE lesson

Either way, if you look at both types of provision they both bring so many positives whether that be mentally, physically or socially. Physical Education PPA Cover and Sports After School Clubs should be delivered by professionals that have a passion for helping children to have a positive experience in sport. Have fun with the sports you offer, keep them varied and make sure the quality of coaching is always at a high level!

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